Keeping Online Shopping Safe And Sound

Keeping Online Shopping Safe And Sound

Shopping online has grown into big business, very, very, big business, in fact the business of online shopping is now reckoned to worth over one hundred billion pounds, which is big in anyone’s books.

This sort of financial behemoth has not gone unnoticed by the underclasses, the cyber criminals, hackers, scammers, phishers, and whatever new name has been used to christen a new type of fraud, theft or swindle.

The ease and delight of shopping online is a Continue reading

How To Attract Google Traffic

Rank #1 In Google Really Fast

It is increasingly hard to manipulate Google traffic & SERPs listings due to their demand for high quality content.

SEO has advanced it’s true, but it is still possible to influence where you rank in Google if you thoroughly grasp what Google is striving for.

To a certain degree, this is undoubtedly correct. If you are expecting to rank well using bad quality old style Search Engine Optimization practices, then you are destined to struggle. Continue reading

Rafter Roofing Construction

Trussed Rafter Roofing

Roof construction in the UK took a new turn in the 1960’s away from the traditional carpenters cut system. This involved cutting every piece of timber by hand, to fit the plan, the overall strength of the roof being up to the builder’s opinion and carpenters experience.

This was relatively expensive owing the time taken, the amount of timber used, and the necessity of skilled joiners.

The use of trussed rafters became popular in the 1960’s following the development of truss connector plates. These are light gauge steel plates with holes punched through them forming teeth which are then pressed into the side of the Continue reading

Teaching Children to Swim

The Importance of Teaching Children to Swim

In the depths of winter, it may seem a little out of place to have kids swimming a high priority, although, come the summer months, it can feel quite natural, even impulsive to think about swimming.

The fact is, in schools learning to swim is now a core element in primary curriculum, and learning to swim and swimming lessons go on all through the year.

In the summer, particularly if there are some high temperatures, there will be reports of fatalities amongst children, who have drowned. Not all because they couldn’t swim perhaps, but some Continue reading

Road Traffic Lawyers Advice

Top Motoring Offences in the UK

General practice lawyers who deal with multiple areas of criminal law often aren’t fully familiar with the intricate legal arguments that can be put forward on your behalf if you have been accused of any of the driving offences below; Continue reading